Florida is at the forefront of a climate crisis due to its location, take a look at the climate change initiatives in Miami taken to lessen the effects of climate change.
News from Miami, FL

5 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health
Protecting your mental health should be a top priority for you, especially in these uncertain times with high inflation and layoffs.…

Miami’s Affordable Housing Crisis And Its Effects On Young Adults
Back in 1960, you could afford to buy a house and a car and live a comfortable lifestyle while working…

How Income Inequality In Miami Affects Immigrants!
Immigrants today face harsher socioeconomic conditions compared to their predecessors. While there are a lot more opportunities and initiatives for immigrants,…

How Miami Is At The Forefront Of The USA’s Housing Crisis!
There was a time when people could afford to buy a home with a single minimum wage income. Now though, things…

Tips For Parents To Help Create An Interactive Learning Environment For Children
Interactive learning is a part of early childhood development where your child learns new skills and improves their cognitive development. However, this…

Early Signs Of Autism In Infants You Should Keep An Eye Out For
Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, comes in many forms, and due to its nature, it’s harder to diagnose. Moreover, when…

4 Housing Resources Available For the Miami Community
With the current economic conditions, it’s getting harder and harder for low-income individuals and families to find affordable housing in Miami-Dade…

Teacher Shortage And Its Effects On Quality Education In Miami
The 2022 school year started with several issues, one of which was a shortage of qualified teachers. The shortage started…

The Most Common Injuries That Happen In DUI Accidents In Miami
DUIs are a serious concern in the US, and around 800 DUI fatalities are reported in Florida, which is one of…

Music Therapy And Autism: A Brief Guide
Music is a language that everyone understands. It needs no words but can express feelings, emotions, and thoughts. For children with…

5 innovations in mental health and how they help people lead better lives
In the past few years, the overall mental health of people in the US has drastically declined. In addition to that,…

The Top 4 Welfare Programs in Miami Helping Residents Improve Quality of Life
Miami-Dade County has started several government welfare programs to reduce the economic divide in the County and help the residents improve their…

The Differences in the Symptoms Of Autism Between Adults and Children
Autism spectrum disorder comes in many different forms and can’t be generalized. Symptoms of autism in adults are different compared to children,…

4 Ways To Avoid Getting A DUI In Miami, Florida
Each day around 32 people lose their lives in a drunk driving incident in the US, and Florida has one of…